Working across multiple systems resulted in cumbersome processes and manual workarounds. With limited opportunities for digital service delivery, the old systems were making it difficult to keep up with customer expectations.

The City started out with an integrated system strategy in mind, but over time drifted to multiple systems to solve the next burning problem. Different areas of the business would make decisions to use software to solve customer issues, with a silo approach. No one was working on the system, just in it.
A review of the City’s Information Technology (IT) Strategy highlighted the risks and high costs of relying upon numerous best of breed systems to perform specific functions. It was costly to maintain multiple software packages, each with their own licensing fees, maintenance and support costs. Having multiple systems operating in complete isolation with no or little integration was also adding to the cost. This was not only challenging to maintain but lead to duplication of effort, confusion and inefficiency.
Each system had its own dataset, which made it difficult to extract reliable information. There was major duplication of data across systems and no ‘single source of truth’.
To overcome these challenges, the City embarked on the 1System project. The aim was to retire numerous old systems and replace them with 1System (TechnologyOne’s One Council solution). 1System is a digital transformation project as it will integrate digital technology into all areas of the City, fundamentally changing how we operate and deliver services to our community.
Getting it right from the outset was important to make the project a success.
gsquare partnered with the City to review the IT strategy and prepare a business case for a recommended solution. One of the City’s objectives was to simplify the IT landscape to not only provide a better service at a lower cost but also to allow internal resources to focus on more value-adding work such as Smart City concepts and the introduction of new technologies outside of business systems.
Once the strategy was endorsed and the project commenced, gsquare continued to provide support for the project with a focus on quality and risk management.
The City is leading the way with digital transformation.
The City is the first local government in WA to roll out major components of the TechnologyOne cloud based CiAnywhere solution and has experienced significant process improvements and efficiency gains across a range of business processes.
While the core foundations of the solution will initially be implemented it’s setting up a solid foundation that will be enhanced and evolved over the next 10 years and beyond.
The system will evolve year-on-year, offering new functionality and capabilities that the City will be able to leverage to delivery improved outcomes to our community.
The tangible benefits for customers will come to the forefront as we roll-out e-Services, empowering our customers and give them unprecedented access to self-serve anywhere, anytime.


“Some may think this is simply an information systems implementation project, but it’s really so much more than that. This implementation is going to be the catalyst for us to completely transform our business.
Successful digital transformation requires strong project and change management planning, designed by people that are experts and understand your organisation. The project team must have the right skills and depth and breadth of experience to manage the technical and political complexities.
We made the decision to engage gsquare to assist us in managing project risk and quality. We’ve really valued having an independent consultant to support us, challenge us and share a new point of view from outside of the City. It’s great to have someone who is always looking forward and who is not afraid to tell you the cold hard facts and risks that must be overcome.”
Garry Adams